Whilst the size and shape of the bell tents are same on both versions there are two key differences between our regular bell tent and the pro version.

Firstly the canvas is a heavier weight on the Pro version.

Our regular bell tent has a 285gsm weight of canvas whilst our pro version is made from 360gsm canvas.

285gsm canvas is suitable for most customers who enjoy regular 'hobby' camping. As a material both canvas weights offer the benefit of being breathable, so much less condensation on the tent walls. Canvas also offers the benefit of greater insulation over polyester tents, so a warmer environment also. 

The heavier weight 360 canvas being slightly thicker is more durable than the regular canvas over long periods. (with care and dry packing away both will last many years) It's benefit is for campers who use tents more often than the norm, also for camping at earlier and later times in the season.

The second addition is the Fireproofing treatment.

Our regular 285gsm canvas tents are naturally ‘fire retardant’ rather than fireproof.  It doesn’t have the chemical treatment that we have on our 360gsm Fireproof pro tents. 

Regular canvas is more fire retardant than regular polyester tents and this is the reason that so many people are fitting stoves into canvas tents. 

Regular canvas takes longer to set it alight than man made materials, however it will eventually burn. The fireproof range is treated with Proban that will inhibit any flames from starting. The treatment is embedded into the fibres, so is a permanent feature. Flammable materials inside the tent can continue to burn in a proban treated tent and this will still char and reduce the canvas to ash.